Pagi menjelang siang jumat penuh berkah ditemani menjes goreng buah naga sebelumnya sarapan dengan nasi urap urap kecambah iwak asin. Hmmm nikmat mana yang kau dustakan sebelumnya pagi hari secangkir kopi buatan istri tercinta mendarat sempurna diatas meja. My litle Rania always busy with her business playing lego. Her mom talk to her " what is it Rania ?" Rania litle to think but her mom answer with no patient this is tangga. " Rania said" no this is lego . All of us laugh out lot she said so true without expression. I think she is amazing my litle baby express herself.
This morning i let her play with her peer so called mbak ana. Both of them cheerfull sometime cruel for something.