Jumat, 26 Januari 2018

All The President Men

The head of palace decide to change another person to take some reason. Well this is a politics and we know all the president men take the time to join his capacity. Since 2014 from general election and won the competition mr president move so fast. His intuition to get some or more rapidly strong condition to build infrastructure from west to east. Its neccesarry more raise fund and depth bond to make target reach.
The cabinet must have own position to make sure the target still on the track. The market reaction still good so far. This happening on Indonesia today and may next step ahead for second period.
It will or may the glory of Indonesia toward dignity and the most prosperous country in the milenium age. The factor is more than 15 million generation under the age. This is very important for suistanble development so far.
Indeed we realize more half of citizen this country long life and more healt. It may all the president men works as always. Greet.

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