Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Flower Flower

Thus the sunshine
The water spread
The breed growing up
The land so fertile
We love the flower
Emotion any kind
Untill We gonna die

The flower never end
Always by my side always stand
Rose jasmine dahlia
I love perfume I love poem

27 June 2012

I am not a writer I just make a note
I am not a reporter I just take a part
I am not an actor I just on my own decision
I do anything I like to do
I create my world based on my own
I accept what they want sometimes
I accomodate along I can handle
I suppossed my world so easy
I regard what the decision they make
Life so simple but so hard
Complexicity the most popular art
I do believe someday my life change
even I do not know what I have done

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